Faculty & Staff All Cardiovascular Surgery Staff Research Department Administration Division Chairs/Directors General Surgery Neurosurgery Orthopaedic Surgery Otolaryngology Surgery Plastic Surgery Surgical Oncology Thoracic Surgery Dr. Ryan AlkinsAssistant Professor Coch ArancibiaClinical Fellowship… Dr. Davide BardanaProgram Director,… Dr. Sean BennettAssistant Professor Dr. Jason BeyeaAssociate Professor Dr. Ryan BicknellAssociate Professor,… Dr. Dan BorschneckAssociate Professor Susan Brogly, PhDAssociate Professor Dr. Peter BrownAssociate Professor Dr. Aaron CampbellAssistant Professor Derek CannonAdministrative Assistant Chantelle Capicciotti,…Queen’s National Scholar in… Dr. Wiley ChungAssistant Professor Dr. Natasha CohenAssistant Professor Dr. Douglas James CookChair, Division of… Dr. Parham DaneshvarAssociate Professor Dr. Fernando Diaz DilerniaAssistant Professor Dr. John DroverProfessor Dr. Julius EbinuAssociate Professor Dr. R. Wesley EdmundsAssistant Professor Dr. Jay EngelAssociate Professor Dr. Ameer FarooqAssistant Professor Dr. Jason FranklinAssociate Professor Dr. Andrew GilesAssistant Professor Dr. Linden HeadAssistant Professor Dr. Michael HendryAssistant Professor Dr. Russell HollinsAssistant Professor Allison HorwoodDepartment Manager Dr. Diederick JalinkChair, Division of General… Dr. Edmund JonesChair, Division of… Dr. Sarah JonesProgram Director, General… Dr. Faizal KassamAssistant Professor Dr. Mila KolarDirector, Undergraduate… Dr. Ron LevyAssociate Professor Kim LloydPostgraduate Program… Dr. Hugh MacDonaldAssociate Professor Cynthia MacIntoshPostgraduate Program… Dr. Don MacNaughtonAssistant Professor Dr. Steve MannAssociate Professor Dr. Glykeria MartouAssistant Professor Dr. Doug McKayChair, Division of Plastic… Dr. Shaila MerchantAssociate Professor Dr. Holly MewhortAssistant Professor Colleen MurphyFinancial Officer Dr. Sulaiman NanjiAssociate Professor Mark Ormiston, PhDAssociate Professor Dr. Chris Pasarikovski Assistant Professor Dr. Sunil PatelAssociate Professor Dr. Darrin PayneChair, Division of… Dr. David PichoraProfessor, Surgery and… Dr. Jamie PurznerAssistant Professor Dr. Teresa PurznerAssistant Professor Dr. Jill QuirtAssistant Professor Samantha ReedStaffing Coordinator Dr. Ken ReidChair, Division of Thoracic… Dr. David RobertsonAssistant Professor Taylor RosenblathMD Program Coordinator Dr. John RudanDirector, Research Dr. Peter SzaszAssistant Professor Dr. Shervin TaslimiAssistant Professor Dr. Carolyn TengAssistant Professor Dr. G Ross WalkerDepartment Head and… Dr. Andrea WinthropProfessor Dr. Kristi WoodAssistant Professor Dr. Gavin WoodAssociate Professor Dr. Jeff YachChair, Division of… Dr. Michael YacobAssistant Professor Iryna YaroslavskaResearch Coordinator Dr. David ZeltAssociate Professor Dr. Boris ZevinAssociate Professor