The MD Surgical program is comprised of a Surgery and Subspecialty rotation.
The Surgery Clerkship rotation is 6 weeks long. This is a mandatory rotation for all students and successful completion is a requirement for graduation and MCC licensure. The core rotation is divided into three-2 week sub-rotations: 2 weeks of General Surgery, 2 weeks of Orthopedic or Urology and 2 weeks of Surgery Subspecialty. Surgery subspecialties include cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, bariatric surgery and otolaryngology. The purpose of this experience is:
• For students to put into practice the knowledge and skills that they have acquired during the pre-clinical years that relates to surgical principles and to the various surgical disciplines
• For students to work as part of a team of health-care professionals caring for surgical patients
• To further acquire and practice technical skills
For more information on Surgery Clerkship, please contact the MD Program Coordinator.